Microlight flying

Do you want to open new vistas in our classic biplane? Are you looking for a quick flight with cabin comfort? Or do you simply want to feel the wind blowing around your face during your flight in an open aircraft? It doesn’t matter if the speed you choose is 80 or 250 km/h, pleasure is the top priority during your flight in a microlight aircraft.

The light and modern cabriolets of the air allow flying like in previous times. This rather young type of aviation sports with the often self-constructed “flying machines” went out of its fledgling stages long ago and presents itself eco-friendly, quiet and safe with relatively low costs. Microlights are aircrafts for which the total weight including both pilots must not exceed 450 kilos. They are controlled either aerodynamically, such as usual aircrafts, or via weight stabilization performed by the pilot.

Whether comfortable air hiking with not more than 90 km/h, or efficiency-oriented flying during economic-efficiency-, skill-, distance- or precision-landing competitions – the pilots of microlights love discovering the country and its people during their flights. In doing so, they gladly forego the comfort of big motored aircrafts, however they would not fly without being equipped with a modern aviation rescue system consisting of a huge parachute which, in case of an emergency, can safely hover persons back to the ground together with the microlight.  


Everyone with a minimum age of 16 years can start the training. The only documents required are a certificate of fitness issued by a flight surgeon and a police good conduct certificate.

Training is either offered by commercial schools for microlights or by club-owned aviation schools.